A Conversation (1)

Here is a conversation with an imaginary friend which is a compilation of discussions I’ve had with people over the years…
Me: We try to do what the Bible says Jesus wants us to do.
Friend: All churches say that!
Me: Our goal is to go back to the Bible for what we teach and practice.
Friend: All churches say that too!
Me: All members are encouraged to have faith in Jesus based on their understanding of God’s word like Romans 10:17 says, not based on leaders or the ideas of men
Friend: But they aren’t trained in seminaries and aren’t professionals
Me The common people understood Jesus in Mark 12:37, and Paul said members of the church in Ephesus could read and understand his writings (Ephesians 3:4).
Friend: But what if they get it wrong?
Me: What if church leaders get it wrong?
Friend: Then they would be in trouble.
Me: At judgement we will be responsible for our own faith and actions (Romans 2:6; 2 Corinthians 5:10; 1 Peter 1:17; Revelation 20:11-13). We won’t be able to blame others.
Friend: But I AM generally a good person. I think God knows that.
Me: Jesus said that at judgment there will be many people who will say they’ve been and done good, but will say to them, “I never knew you” (Matthew 7:21-23). People are only good because they have a relationship with Jesus. They do not have a relationship with Jesus because they do good.
Friend: I know things about Jesus, so I think I do have a relationship with Jesus.
Me: But do you KNOW you have a relationship with Jesus? We need to be confident about it because eternal life is at stake (John 3:16).
Friend: Is it really possible to know anything?
Me: John wrote, “These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life…” (1 John 5:13). Yes, it IS possible to know.
Friend: What does it mean to believe in the name of the Son of God?
Me: That’s what we have to be SURE about. Let’s talk about what saving faith is next time…